
How To Design A Home Yoga Space In Four Simple Steps

How To Design A Home Yoga Space In 4 Simple Steps

Designing a home yoga space is a transformative act that can significantly enhance your health and spiritual journey. Whether you’re a yoga novice, an online practitioner, or looking to create a shared family space, these steps will help you craft a sacred area that resonates with love and intention.

Designing in Four Easy Steps

Step 1: Set Your Intention and Vision

Begin by identifying your WHY. What’s calling you to take inspired action, and what do you intend to gain through your practice? Write down your intentions and visualize how you want the space to look and feel.

Consider whether it will be a personal sanctuary or a shared space for family practice. Let these considerations and options guide and inspire your choices in decor and layout.

Step 2: Identify and Clear the Space

Choose a space that feels inspiring, nurturing, and as private as possible. If you don’t have the option of a dedicated room for yoga, redesign a section of your living room or bedroom. Clean the area thoroughly with natural products, love and respect, as it’s your new space for health, healing, and evolution.

If you’re sharing the space with family, ensure it’s inviting and accessible for everyone. It’s best to declutter and remove distractions that might interfere with practicing, and consider using natural light and fresh air to enhance the ambiance.

Step 3: Purchase the Yoga Essentials

As with any yoga studio, there are essential yoga props, such as mats, blocks, and straps, and you’ll need these too. If you’re a beginner, start with the basics and gradually add more as your practice evolves.

For families, consider getting mats and props for each member to personalize their practice. I recommend Corc Yoga, eco-friendly sustainable options to align with the principles of yoga and respect for the environment.

As an Ambassador, I love sharing these beautiful products sourced and manufactured by artisans in Portugal. And when you purchase part of the proceeds go to a mental health organization to support youth.

Step 4: Enhance Your Experience

Now it’s time to enhance your experience by adding elements to your space, such as plants, artwork, a sheepskin rug, crystals, an aromatic diffuser, and a meditation cushion.

If you have a larger room, create a designated area for meditation and journaling to complement your yoga practice. Remember, when you incorporate soothing colors, textures, and scents, they support deeper mind, body, and spirit relaxation and introspection.

Addressing Common Yoga Practice Challenges

According to a report by the Yoga Alliance, many individuals face challenges when it comes to practicing yoga and why creating a home yoga space is a great solution:

Time Constraints: One of the biggest barriers to practicing yoga is finding the time. Studio classes are lengthy, and the commute adds to the time commitment.

By designing a home yoga space, you eliminate travel time and have the flexibility to practice whenever it suits your schedule, even if it’s just for a quick 5-minute breathwork or meditation practice, or a 20-minute yoga session.

Cost Considerations: The cost of yoga classes is rising, with the average price of a single class being $25. Granted some packages make it more affordable, but with a home yoga space, it is a one-time investment that pays off in the long run.

You can access a wealth of free or low-cost online yoga resources, making your practice more affordable and accessible.

Inclusivity and Belonging: The study from the Yoga Alliance also discovered a growing population feel out of place in a traditional yoga studio due to gender, race, or socioeconomic differences. This is another reason why creating a personal sanctuary where you can feel completely comfortable and accepted, is needed.

It’s a safe space where you can practice without fear of judgment and where deeper healing can occur. By addressing these realities, your home yoga space becomes not just a physical area, but a solution to making your yoga practice more feasible, affordable, and inclusive.

Tailoring Your Space to Your Needs

For Online Practitioners: The number of people who practice yoga, meditation, and breathwork online is growing, and for good reason as I’ve mentioned. If practicing at home is new to you, the easiest way to get started is by setting up a screen or tablet in a visible spot for following online classes. Making sure you have a strong internet connection will ensure a powerful and peaceful practice.

For Spacious Homes: If you have the luxury of a larger space, consider creating a multi-functional yoga room that can also serve as a meditation and relaxation area. This is where you can call in a wellness lifestyle designer that considers the equipment and space design.

You can add infrared saunas, cold plunge baths, and anything else to enhance your wellness commitment and plan.

For Family Yoga: Design a space that’s inviting for all family members. Consider adding elements for children, that will help them explore the bodies, minds, and spirit. Perhaps you’re able to hang yoga silks in the room as they add another level of exploration in moving the body with an element of fun and creativity.

You might also consider getting each family member a personal meditation cushion in their favorite color. Having them choose a favorite aromatherapy oil and adding it to a diffuser enhances the learning and practice of self-care-intuiting what their mind, body, and spirit need.

For Hybrid Practitioners: If you love practicing in a studio and at home, you’re getting the best of both settings. For many who are hybrid practitioners, it’s best to store your studio gear in a designated spot for easy access when you’re heading out. You might even find it useful if there are lockers at your gym or yoga studio to have a secondary mat, towel, and yoga wear just in case you leave your items behind.

As you can see, designing your home yoga space can be a wise investment in your well-being. By following these 4 simple steps, you’ll have a sacred space that supports you in overcoming stress and challenges that prevent you from living your healthiest and best life.

When you have a consistent, daily practice it allows your spiritual journey to unfold in ways you will appreciate in the moment and for years to come. Investing to evolve your overall quality of life is in your hands.

I’ve created a DOWNLOADABLE FREE E-BOOK, 30 WAYS TO THRIVE, for more tips on enhancing your yoga practice and well-being.

Allison Adams is a holistic health and leadership coach, facilitator, and consultant for conscious leaders and brands in the hospitality and wellness space. She’s the host of the Discover WellBeing Podcast and the creator of EXALTED, her signature program for visionary female leaders over 40, where she guides them in becoming their most healthy, impactful, and fulfilled selves.

Allison’s suite of transformative coaching, programs, retreats, and business development offerings are designed to deliver holistic, thriving results for clients globally. So when you’re ready to thrive in your life or business, book a Free Destined To Thrive Strategy Call to gain clarity about your path forward.